• We as Parents of Guardians will co- operate with the school authorities by enforcing discipline at home

• It is our duty to sign message, progress reports, and home work regularly.

• We should not contact teachers during school hours. we can meet them only on Saturday just after school hours.

• Parents/ Guardians should attend parents- teachers meeting positively.

• A candidate who has not attended any school, seeking admission to the pre-primary or 1st std section has to produce an official Birth Certificate, Caster Certificate and laminated Xerox copy of Adhar Card.

• A candidate who has attend any recognized school must produce a leaving certificate from that school a pupil coming from another school must give his leaving certificate countersigned by the education officer of that particular area.

• We will neither take nor demand back of paid fees nor to transfer, taken for any reason.

• if our kids coming late or are not in uniform to school they will be sent back to home.

• irregular attendance or unexplained absence for more than 15 days habitual idleness, disobedience, cheating or another misconduct or objectionable moral influence will result in dismissal of the student .

• it our kids are absent from school or are late they will not be admitted to class without the principal’s consent.

• Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed during school hours for our kids.

• Any kind of damage done to the school building will have to be made good. it is forbidden to write on the black – board or to make marks on the school wall or furniture.

• Our kids will maintain the school & personal cleanliness.

• The school will not be responsible for the loss of books, money, clothe, mobile, and other costly articles that are lost.. the students must look after their own thing. it is not advisable for students to have money or valuable articles with them.

• All students are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after each of the vacations. failure to do so renders the pupil liable to be struck off the school rolls.

• A pupil returning to school after contagious or infectious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so.

• Every student will have to pay fees as scheduled.

• There shall be no brother or sister concession in fees.

• We have to pay all the the fees in SVC Bank, Autogalli, Ambapeth, Amravati. A/c No. 1295 , Name: Mothers Pet English School. Monday to Friday 9.00 to 2.00 pm. Saturday 9.30 to 12.00 on official working day.

• Payment of fees I s to be paid as the schedule given. late fees 20/- per day.

• Fees rise will be accepted to me as given by the school management.

• Any distribution in discipline or make any issue or doing any media coverage will our kids dismissed from school.

• All right are reserved with school management committee to make any change in rules and discipline . we parents make not that no argument will be done.

• Any misbehavior with staff or any in disciplinary action will make our kids, liable to be dismissed for school.