Elemenatry school

Library and music, all of which are taught by specialist staff. Swimming lessons also begin in Reception once a week at York Hall swimming baths, taught by qualified swimming teachers.
The main aim is to develop the student’s ability to use their intellect.
• Children will be encouraged in their primary school years to learn skills and express their understanding according to their readiness. Our differentiated, topic-based approach is informed, though not constrained by the CBSE curriculum, with the flexibility to search and advance according to the teachers’ strengths and the children’s interests.
• Teachers try to give children creative openings like invented spelling. Book learning is enriched by a number of activities like drama, storytelling, poetry, music, I.T., discussions and a wide range of artistic and hands-on activities.
• Sports are an intrinsic part of a student’s life. Every sport teaches sportsmanship, leadership, respect and teamwork.
• Our sports staff are highly competent. Students participate in intra school, interschool and state level competitions.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines. Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines. Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Daily menu signs are posted at the beginning of all meal lines.
Items offered as a part of lunch are listed within the grain, protein, milk, fruit and vegetable spaces on the menu board.

Plan and Details

The child has one intuitive aim: self development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself through his senses and not through the eyes of an adult. He becomes a full person. He is educated.”

Why us?

All Lower Junior classes are taught predominantly by their form teachers and teaching assistants within their own classrooms. The exceptions are Games, French, ICT, library and music, all of which are taught by specialist staff. Swimming lessons also begin in Reception once a week at York Hall swimming baths, taught by qualified swimming teachers.