Mother’s Pet English School
Mother’s Pet English School is situated in the very heart of Amravati city and is always pulsating with lots of activities both academic and cu-curricular. The school is well known for its high-quality Education and facilities of International Standard. The school is from play House to class XII.
Mother’s Pet English School is managed by Purogami Berojgar Nari Vikas Bahuddeshshiya Sanstha under the President ship of Mrs.Radhadevi Rathi. We aim at amalgamation of high-quality educational norms with the Indian system of education. With a deep and visible commitment to excellence in education, the school has incorporated in its curriculum a different approach, which has made a unique identity in the region. We aim at recognizing the individuality of each pupil and make learning a joyous and creative adventure. Our mission is to enable our pupils to grow and bloom in accordance with their innate potential and evolve into complete human beings who are empowered physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally and spiritually.
Our School is a co-educational school, affiliated to Maharashtra State Board . Students here are of varying backgrounds and from different parts of the region. The School provides an environment that encourages the questioning mind and gives students many avenues for expressing their creativity and building their skills.
Mother’s Pet English School is one of the most trusted name in quality education, which is recognized throughout the academic world for its progressive approach and commitment to excellence. Mother’s Pet English School Amravati was established in year 2006. Mother’s Pet offers schooling from Play house to Class XII std. Mother’s Pet School has proliferated into a multidisciplinary institution, offering various facilities to impart varied expertise to keep pace with the world. The school offers courses that focus on holistic development of individuals by cultivating their unique talents. Our academic system ensures acquired levels of learning and areas of desired additional inputs for enhancement of learning in scholastic areas, it also lays equal emphasis on proficiency of learners in the acquisition of essential life skills, attitudes and values, interests and achievement in outdoor co-curricular activities including sports and games. The school aims to develop mental, intellectual and aesthetic faculties of the child through a host of curricular and co-curricular activities, foster team spirit and environmental consciousness. It offers a friendly, stress-free and value based learning experience.”We provide a positive environment to the students to achieve their potential and help to impart a holistic environment to achieve excellence.”Further, the proposed curriculum substantiates the promise of holistic education. The Sports and Performing Arts curriculum carries forward the assurance of overall development of the child.
Proactive Management Team

Mrs. Swati Rathi

Mrs. Radhadevi Rathi
“Children are country’s future and an empowered generation will be an asset for country and humanity at large.”
Mrs. Radhadevi Rathi

Our Mission
“The MPES provides an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his full potential. The school is trying its level best to bring out the best talent within a child. The school is even pondering around to get the best teachers and facilitators. Here the education is imparted, without distinction in race, religion, caste, or social status. As a Day School, the focus is given on the pursuit of Knowledge and Skill. In particular, it also caters to the needs of the children to get highest academic standards.”
Our Aim
“The MPES aims to be an institution of excellence, dedicated to producing leaders for the future.”

The School follows the Maharashtra State curriculum prepared by Maharashtra State Board
The text books used will be in accordance with the syllabi laid down by Maharashtra State Board
- Languages Offered: English, Hindi and Marathi
- Core Subjects: Science and Technology, Social Science, Environmental Science and Mathematics
- Work Experience/ SUPW: Computer Education, Drawing ,Craft and Kitchen Gardening
- Health and Physical Education: Games-recreational and Competitive Games, Yoga-Physical Fitness,
- Fine Arts: Music, Dance and Dramatics
- Maintain Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene.
- Greet Teachers whenever you meet them, within the School campus or outside.
- Politeness and Humble nature is appreciated.
- Wear Uniform on all working days.
- Regular attendance and punctuality.
- Do not scribble on walls, desks or books.
- Handle School property and own belongings carefully.
- Attend school prayers/ assembly without fail.
- Be regular in your home assignments and projects.
- Maintain Silence even when a teacher is not present in class.
- Raise hands to ask any question while Class is in progress to clarify doubts.
- Avoid tearing pages from text or notebooks.
- Keep the classrooms and desks clean and tidy.
- Adopt the policy of Sharing and Caring.
- Use the Library and Reference Books at all times.
- Bring healthy and nutritious food for lunch.
Teach me and I will forget
Show me and I will Learn
Involve me and I will Understand.
- “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”. –Gandhi
- “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” –William Butler Yeats
- “Learning is not a spectator sport”. –D. Blocher
- “It is wiser to find out than to suppose”. -Mark Twain
- “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten”. –B. F. Skinner
- “I think, therefore I am (Cogito, ergo sum.)” –Rene Descartes
- “Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.”–C.S. Lewis
- “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”–Albert Einstein
- “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live.” – Mortimer Adler 1
- “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” –Abraham Lincoln
- “The journey is the reward”. –Chinese Proverb
- “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now”. –Goethe
- “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”. -Will Rogers
- “Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back”. –Chinese Proverb
- “Be a student as long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life”. – Henry L. Doherty
To extract the best out of the children, we have divided Students into 04 Houses-Red ,Blue Green and Yellow. The classes named after Precious stones like Ruby Pearl Topaz etc., Each house has a House Captain and a couple of Prefects while a sports activities are coordinated by Sports Captain. Overall responsibility resides with the School Captain. The teachers are also divided among the different houses to guide, train and encourage their house children for all the activities.
- Use of audio-visual aids and modern methods of teaching.
- General Knowledge, Communicative English and hand writing session.
- Reporting and discussing with parents on the progress and welfare of students.
- Mother’s Pet inter school competition in different subjects.
- Good Teaching and caring Management and Staff