School Uniform

The school uniform is available at Rup Raj Shop in Khandelwal Market. Wearing the specified school uniform is compulsory. Wearing of the school uniform is not only a necessity, but also a matter of pride. It brings about oneness amongst the children and responsibility in their attitude. To maintain uniformity of shades, design and material parents are advised to buy the uniform for their wards, from the specified Shop only. Parents are requested to avoid buying oversized uniforms, because it does not look smart and becomes inconvenient for the child to move about freely.
Boys must sport a neat look. Girls with short hair (above the collar) should wear hair bands. Hair, longer than this should be tied with black rubber bands. Girls are not allowed to apply kajal, mehendi and nail polish. No jewellery, except for a wrist watch and a simple pair of earrings may be worn. Nose piercing and more than one piercing in ear is not allowed. Every child must carry a handkerchief. The onus of sending the child to school in neat, well fitting and decent uniform lies on the parents.